Recipe: Perfect Dum Chicken Biriyani

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Dum Chicken Biriyani. Chicken dum biryani recipe can be prepared in two ways, kacha (kachi) Method and Pakki Method. In the Kachi method of making biriyani, the raw ingredients are just marinated and placed at the bottom of a utensil and layered with partially cooked rice, saffron etc. Sealed & cooked on a slow dum process, trapping the steam inside for even cooking.

Dum  Chicken Biriyani It is a blend of two different cuisines Mughlai and Irani. Chicken is the main ingredient for making Hyderabadi chicken dum biryani. It is made with basmati rice, chicken & flavored with Indian spices. You can have Dum Chicken Biriyani using 17 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Dum Chicken Biriyani

  1. You need 6 of Onions.
  2. Prepare 1/2 cup of Tomato Puree.
  3. Prepare 1/2 cup of Fresh Curd.
  4. Prepare 4 tbsp of Ginger & garlic paste.
  5. It's 1 tsp of Cumin powder.
  6. Prepare 1 tsp of Coriander powder.
  7. Prepare 2 of Green Chiles.
  8. You need 1/2 tsp of red chilly powder.
  9. Prepare 1/3 tsp of pepper powder.
  10. Prepare 2 of boiled eggs.
  11. Prepare 2 of Bay leaves.
  12. You need 4 of cardamom.
  13. Prepare 1/3 tsp of Turmeric powder.
  14. It's 1 of salt to taste.
  15. It's 3/4 kg of fresh Chicken . Big pieces.
  16. You need 1 1/2 cup of Basmati Rice.
  17. Prepare 1 pinch of saffron soaked in cold milk.

Chicken Dum Biryani is one of the best ways to make biryani and mind you, it is full of very distinct flavours. The most important of which comes from the very many spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves that are added to it. These spices give the biryani a tempting aroma that can be smelt from metres away. Chicken Dum Biryani Recipe is one such recipe which is loved by everyone in the family.

Dum Chicken Biriyani step by step

  1. Start with the preparation of the marinate..
  2. For the marinate mix the below items in a big bowl : Add the chicken , tomato puree , curd, Ginger & garlic paste, green chilly paste, cumin power, coriander powder, red chilly powder, peppers, 1 table spoon oil, some onions,turmeric powde, salt.
  3. Mix all the above ingredients properly and refregerate for 2 hours. ..
  4. heat the pressure cooker add oil and fry onions till golden brown.
  5. Add the marinated chicken. Allow the chicken to be cooked have covered in high flame..
  6. cook for around 10 - 15 mins till the oil gets separated. ...
  7. add rice, crushed cardamoms , saffron, water ( 1 n half cup ) . pressure cook the mixture till 2 whistles..
  8. Once done, you can garnish with caramelised onions and sliced boiled eggs. ...

Biryani is derived from the Farsi word 'birian' originated in Persia, biryani was introduced to India during the British rule. Each of the variation being loyal to its regional history. Down south in most regions like Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Chicken Biryani Recipe in Electric Rice Cooker, Easy to make and Tasty Recipe. Try with Any vegetables instead of chicken as well.