How to Make Yummy Chicken / mutton pulao

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chicken / mutton pulao. Mutton Pulao Recipe is an amazing pulao recipe made with mutton and rice. This is one of my favorite rice recipes. This is a variation to the mutton tahari recipe which I posted earlier.

Eid Special White Chicken Pulao Recipe by Kitchen With Amna. A Step by Step Complete Yakhni Pulao Recipe by Amna. The origins of Yakhni Pulao lie apparently in Persia and it was introduced to us Indians by the Mughal rulers. You can cook Chicken / mutton pulao using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chicken / mutton pulao

  1. You need 1/2 kg of chicken / mutton cooked with spices( cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, saunf).
  2. Prepare 1 of big onion sliced.
  3. You need 1 of tomato sliced.
  4. You need 1 of lime.
  5. Prepare 1/2 kg of basmati rice.
  6. You need 2 of boiled eggs, salt to taste.
  7. You need 2 of boiled eggs.

Yakhni basically is a yogurt saffron based mutton/Chicken broth. Great recipe for Mutton Pulao - Pakistani Style Spice Infused Mutton Pulao. Every household has its own Eid traditions in Pakistan. Those of us who live away from Pakistan try to continue those traditions to ensure our kids stay connected to our culture.

Chicken / mutton pulao step by step

  1. Grind to a paste: 1/ 2 bunch coriander leaves, 1large piece ginger, 1/ 2 teaspoon jeera, 5 cloves, 1/ 2 teaspoon haldi, 5 green chillies, 6 big garlic flakes, 1/ 2 teaspoon pepper, 1 cinnamon stick.
  2. Fry sliced onion in oil. Add chopped tomato..
  3. Add the ground paste, and lime juice. Add the cooked meat and fry it in the masala..
  4. Add the chicken/ mutton stock. ( Double the quantity of the rice), salt..
  5. Let it come to a boil. Then add the washed rice. Cook on slow fire till done......or if cooking in pressure cooker, cook for one......reduce flame.........switch off after a few mins. Garnish with boiled eggs..

Eid ul Azha or Bari Eid as it is called in. Biryani is said to be the progeny of the original pulao recipe as it was prepared in the Indian subcontinent almost four thousand years ago. The first meat and rice combination that was named as the pulao was made out of buffalo meat, but the contemporary versions of the pulao can be prepared with chicken, veal, mutton, beef, and lamb. Yakhni Pulao or Lucknowi Mutton Pulao is significantly a traditional pulao recipe preparation of long grain basmati rice cooked aromatic spiced mutton stock, meat and saffron. The mutton yakhni pulao recipe originating from the land of nawabs, 'Lucknow or Awadh' is a signature dish popular across the North India precisely UP during occasions like Eid, or weddings.