Recipe: Tasty One pot chicken green rice

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

One pot chicken green rice. Yes, just one solitary pot will lead you to the most flavor-packed, hearty, stick-to-your-ribs, meal-in-a-bowl ever. My One-Pot Chicken and Yellow Rice is loaded with peas, carrots, plenty of spices, and the real winning addition (according to my husband and two toddler boys), green olives. The best chicken and rice recipe in the world!!

One pot chicken green rice Cooking the rice with the chicken on top adds extra flavour to the rice because the chicken juices get soaked up by the rice. Ok, let's get this grue-, I mean One-Pot Chicken and Rice on the table! Remove the chicken legs from the pan and set aside. You can cook One pot chicken green rice using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of One pot chicken green rice

  1. It's 1 bunch of spinach.
  2. It's 400 gms of chicken.
  3. It's 3 cups of rice.
  4. Prepare as needed of Celery.
  5. You need 1 cup of Spring onion.
  6. You need 6-7 of garlic cloves.
  7. Prepare 1 tbsp of gratted/finely chopped ginger.
  8. Prepare to taste of Vinegar.
  9. Prepare to taste of Salt.
  10. Prepare 1/2 tsp of Black pepper powder.
  11. It's 1/2 tsp of Soya sauce.
  12. You need 1 tbsp of butter.

Add chopped onions and garlic to the same pan and stir-fry until slightly translucent. Add a splash of water to deglaze the bottom of the pan and scrape off all chicken skin bits and pieces. It's like FRIED RICE and Chinese Chicken, all made in one pot!! Plus, there's a load of veggies mixed through so this One Pot Chinese Chicken and Rice is a complete meal!

One pot chicken green rice step by step

  1. Pre-soak the rice and wash the chicken. Chop the spinach, celery, spring onions, ginger and garlic.
  2. Then in a pressure cooker add the butter. Then add the finely chopped garlic and crushed ginger..
  3. Then the chicken. Fry it for 5 min then add one by one the spinach, celery and spring onion white. Mix them well.
  4. Now add the pre soaked rice, salt, black pepper powder, vinegar, soya sauce and mix them well add the onion green.
  5. Add water double the rice and put the lid off the pressure cooker and give 2-3 whistle.
  6. Let the cooker cool..

Heat oil in a large deep-sided skillet over medium-high. In a large skillet brown chicken and onion with olive oil over medium heat. If you don't have a skillet like that you can find one that I love down below the printable recipe card (affiliate link) or you can also use a good sized pot or dutch oven with a lid.; Melting your butter is your first step. How to Make One-Skillet Thai Chicken Green Curry with Rice: Add the coconut milk, curry paste, basil, ginger, and sea salt to a blender and blend until well-combined. Pour this mixture into a large skillet (that has a lid) and heat to medium-high.