Recipe: Perfect Chicken shami kabab

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chicken shami kabab. Chicken Shami Kebab Recipe, Learn how to make Chicken Shami Kebab (absolutely delicious recipe of Chicken Shami Kebab ingredients and cooking method) About Chicken Shami Kebab Recipe: When it comes to starters, Chicken Shami Kebab is one of the best non-vegetarian snacks to be served. You will not only love eating it, but also enjoy cooking this quick snack. Shami kabab recipe with video - Chicken shami kabab are a kind of meat kebabs that are popular in India and neighboring countries.

Chicken shami kabab Here is the best Chicken Shami Kabab recipe you will find. #HappyCookingToYou. Make and freeze for up to a month. Learn how to make chicken Shami kabab by Cooking with Asifa. You can cook Chicken shami kabab using 18 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Chicken shami kabab

  1. Prepare 500 g of boneless chicken.
  2. It's 1 tbs of ginger chopped.
  3. It's 1 tbs of garlic chopped.
  4. You need 1 tsp of cumin seeds.
  5. You need 1 tsp of coriander seeds.
  6. It's 3-4 of cloves.
  7. You need 1 of bay leaf.
  8. You need 1 piece of cinnamon.
  9. You need 2 of green cardamom seeds.
  10. You need 1 of brown cardamom seeds.
  11. It's 1 of chopped onion.
  12. It's 1 tbs of coriander leaves.
  13. Prepare 2 of eggs.
  14. Prepare to taste of Salt.
  15. You need 1-2 of Green chilli chopped.
  16. You need 1 of dry red chilli.
  17. It's 2 tbs of gram flour.
  18. Prepare as needed of Oil for frying.

Very easy step by step kabab's video tutorial. Enjoy this homemade restaurant-style tasty shami kabab recipe from scratch. Shami kebab are tender patties made with beef and chana dal (yellow split peas), and then dipped in eggs and pan-fried. These kebabs are kid-friendly, naturally gluten-free, and so wholesome!

Chicken shami kabab step by step

  1. First wash and cut boneless chicken in to small add in pressure cooker by adding all ingredients except oil,onion and coriander leaves 1 tsp mint chopped,egg and gram flour.cover the lid by adding 1 cup of water whistle for 2-3 or when drain excess water with stainer.donot through water u can use in soup also..
  2. Now little cool it and blend in mixer now take a bowl add chicken blend add gram flour, onion chopped coriander leaves chopped, egg and make a dough to assemble all these.
  3. This time u can check the salt now make small balls all and little flatten it Now heat oil in a wok try little ball in hot med oil if it is not loose the shape and not spread in oil if it is add little more gram flour and now fry all kebabs and serve with tomato ketchup and I served with tomato soup also enjoy this delicious shami kabab with soup.
  4. Now cool it and drain excess water.

This easy recipe makes a large batch to enjoy some now, and freeze the rest for later! Shami Kebab If you're Pakistani, it's likely your mom/relative/aunty has a shami kebab freezer stash waiting for the. Chicken Shami Kabab Recipe in Urdu & English Chicken Shami kabab Recipe is one of the most popular varieties of kabab recipes, not only in Pakistan but in the whole Indian subcontinent. The name "Shami" refers to Bilad-al-Sham or the modern Syria. Chicken Shami kababs are basically tender patties of salted or boiled meat, with chickpeas (chanay ki daal) and whole spices like cinnamon.