Recipe: Appetizing Noom Friendly Instant Pot Brown Rice Chicken Risotto

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Noom Friendly Instant Pot Brown Rice Chicken Risotto. Great recipe for Noom Friendly Instant Pot Brown Rice Chicken Risotto. This is a favorite of mine. I love risotto and making it with brown rice lets me feel good about it; it's a green food in Noom.

Noom Friendly Instant Pot Brown Rice Chicken Risotto Great recipe for Instant Pot Chicken Taco Bake. One night when I was planning on making tacos for the kids, I discovered that I was out of taco shells. I had already made the filling and I didn't have time to run out to the store so I took some tortillas and made this bake instead. You can cook Noom Friendly Instant Pot Brown Rice Chicken Risotto using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Noom Friendly Instant Pot Brown Rice Chicken Risotto

  1. You need 2 cups of water.
  2. Prepare 2 tbsp of olive oil.
  3. Prepare 1 of red onion.
  4. You need 3 of large carrots.
  5. You need 1 of large can of diced tomatoes in juice.
  6. Prepare 1 1/4 cups of brown rice.
  7. It's To taste of salt and pepper.
  8. It's 3 of frozen chicken thighs.

I love risotto and making it with brown rice lets me feel good about it; it's a green food in Noom. The Instant Pot lets you toss everything in and heat go, as per usual. The chicken ends up pulling apart nicely and the risotto has that wonderful creamy texture. Great recipe for Noom Friendly Instant Pot Green Bean Jambalaya.

Noom Friendly Instant Pot Brown Rice Chicken Risotto instructions

  1. Always remember to wash the rice. Chop up the onion and carrots. I tend to use baby carrots because that is what I have in the fridge for my kids. It isn't required that the chicken is frozen but it is certainly very convenient..
  2. Add water, olive oil, the vegetables, rice, salt, and pepper to the Instant Pot and stir. Then place the frozen chicken in the middle on top of the mixture..
  3. Cook on high pressure for 25 minutes and then let naturally cool. Pull the chicken, stir, and serve..

The kids love this one and in true Instant Pot form, it is super easy and fast to do. If you want more heat, add an extra tbsp of paprika and/or swap in a spicier sausage. Also, if you want to be a little more traditional, swap out. Slow Cooker No Stir Brown Rice Risotto. Slow Cooker Chicken and Brown Rice.