Recipe: Delicious Chicken biriyani/ spicy chicken rice

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chicken biriyani/ spicy chicken rice. Chicken biryani recipe made in pressure cooker or pot. Biryani is one of the most amazing royal delicacies introduced to Indians by the Mughals. Since then it has been much popular and is considered to be a luxurious treat to enjoy on special occasions.

Chicken biriyani/ spicy chicken rice The biryani here is supposed to be zestier, more aromatic and deeper in flavor than other parts of India. Chicken Biryani is a delicious savory rice dish that is loaded with spicy marinated chicken, caramelized onions, and flavorful saffron rice. For my Biryani, I simplify the order of operations, while retaining the traditional layered approach to assembling it. You can cook Chicken biriyani/ spicy chicken rice using 22 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chicken biriyani/ spicy chicken rice

  1. It's of marination!!.
  2. You need 1/2 kg of boneless(better than with bone chicken ) but with-bone chicken is also fine.
  3. Prepare 3/4 cup of curd.
  4. Prepare 3 of eggs.
  5. Prepare 1 tbsp of garlic paste.
  6. You need 1 tbsp of ginger paste.
  7. It's 1/2 tbsp of red chilli paste.
  8. You need 2 of tomatoes chopped.
  9. Prepare 1 of onion thinly sliced.
  10. It's 1 of potato sliced (optional).
  11. You need 3 cup of rice (basmati)/ long rice.
  12. Prepare 2 cup of warm milk.
  13. You need 4 tbsp of oil.
  14. You need of spices.
  15. Prepare 1/2 tsp of cumin seeds.
  16. You need 5 of dried rose petals (optional).
  17. You need 10 of mint.
  18. It's 1 of bay leaf.
  19. Prepare 1 of clove(optional).
  20. You need 1 of green cardamom.
  21. You need 1 tbsp of dried fenugreek leaves.
  22. You need 1 of saffron.

Let the steam to cook the rice and the meat. Cooking with steam in an enclosed utensil produce the best biryani rice. Do not open the lid until the end. Hi sruthi, As you said we can add chicken with rice and pressure cook for two whistle.

Chicken biriyani/ spicy chicken rice instructions

  1. Firstly, marinate the chicken pieces for 3-4 hours minimum or till 24 hours if possible. In this add only half of the quantity of the pastes which is mentioned and save half for later. Also take rice ( basmati/ long rice) if possible and soak them in milk for an hour approx..
  2. Now take a small frying pan and add oil into it den add onions and fry till Crispy brown then add tomatoes. After removing excess water from the mixture, off the gas..
  3. Now in a pressure cooker, add about 4-5 spoons of oil ( little more than usual). then add all the dry spices mentioned below..
  4. After this add half saved pastes of ginger, garlic and red chilli..
  5. Now after this add chicken marination along with the extra liquid to cooker and saute it very well for about 10 mins. Also add dried fenugreek to it..
  6. At the end add soaked rice along with left over milk in it. Also add some mint leaves abd soaked saffron to it for a nice fragrance..
  7. After 10-15 mins it will b ready... Serve hot !!!!!.

Start by rinsing the rice with water until the water becomes clear. Turn on the rice cooker and allow the rice to cook. In the meantime, start prepping the ingredients i.e. slicing the onions, dicing the tomatoes and chicken. Chicken Biryani Chicken Biryani is a delicious savory rice dish that is loaded with spicy marinated chicken, caramelized onions, and flavorful saffron rice. For my Biryani, I simplify the order of.