How to Prepare Appetizing Simmered Daikon Radish and Chicken in a Pressure Cooker

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Simmered Daikon Radish and Chicken in a Pressure Cooker. Great recipe for Simmered Daikon Radish and Chicken in a Pressure Cooker. I wanted to make this dish quickly, so I tried making it in a pressure cooker. ・Be very careful when using a pressure cooker. ・For tasty results, leave the ingredients inside the pressure cooker for a while before serving. Pressure Cooker Chinese Simmered Chicken is an old Foster Farms recipe, cooked in a spicy sweet sauce.

Simmered Daikon Radish and Chicken in a Pressure Cooker Simmered pork belly made easily in a pressure cooker. By adding a little vinegar, the pork will become tender and the cloying quality of the fat will be lessened. Cook under pressure to start to make the meat and. You can have Simmered Daikon Radish and Chicken in a Pressure Cooker using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Simmered Daikon Radish and Chicken in a Pressure Cooker

  1. Prepare 1/2 of Daikon radish.
  2. You need 1 of Chicken.
  3. Prepare 2 tbsp of ★Soy sauce.
  4. Prepare 2 tbsp of ★Sugar.
  5. It's 100 ml of ★Water.
  6. Prepare 100 ml of ★Sake.
  7. Prepare 1 of for garnishing Scallions.
  8. Prepare 1 of Ginger.

My dear daughter loves furofuki daikon, a traditional simmered daikon radish dish! It's good when simmered for a long time, but that's a lot work, so I like to let my pressure cooker to do it. If you don't add ground meat, this is a plain sweet miso sauce. Daikon is a long white Japanese radish, which has a crunchy texture and a light peppery and sweet taste.

Simmered Daikon Radish and Chicken in a Pressure Cooker instructions

  1. Chop the daikon radish into large pieces. Next, combine the daikon, chicken, and all of the ★ ingredients in a pressure cooker..
  2. Cook it under pressure over medium heat. When the pressure indicator starts to jiggle, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1 more minute. Finally turn off the heat..
  3. Once the pressure indicator drops, open the lid. Ladle the juices over the ingredients to coat them evenly..
  4. Transfer it to a plate, garnish with scallions and ginger, and it's ready!.

From pickles to salad and soups to simmered dishes, it's widely used in Japanese cooking. Daikon (大根, literally "big root") or Daikon Radish is a widely used root vegetable in Japanese cooking. A type of winter vegetable, daikon is. Close the pressure cooker and lock the lid. Set the machine to cook at high pressure.