Recipe: Appetizing Winter Melon Chicken Soup

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Winter Melon Chicken Soup. Add chicken carcass, red dates, and winter melon to the pot. Cover and bring water back to a boil. Now we can start cooking our winter melon soup.

Winter Melon Chicken Soup Discard the "foam" at the top of the soup. A superior soup base is the foundation of an excellent winter melon soup. You can boil the chicken bone, chicken feet, or chicken carcass to prepare the soup base. You can cook Winter Melon Chicken Soup using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Winter Melon Chicken Soup

  1. It's 5 cup of cubed winter melon.
  2. You need 1 1/2 liter of water.
  3. It's 1/2 tsp of seasoned salt.
  4. It's of garnish.
  5. Prepare 1 tbsp of cilantro.
  6. You need of meat option.
  7. It's 800 grams of chicken skinless.

Another popular method is to include pork ribs into the recipe. Homemade Chinese Soups › Asian vegetables › Winter melon soup; Winter melon soup is reputed to be good for weight loss and anti-swelling. Welcome to Oriental Obsessions, a nine course banquet of Asian specialties interpreted by some of America's great chefs. Join the celebration with Lawrence Chu and.

Winter Melon Chicken Soup instructions

  1. Remove the skin and the seed from the winter melon and cut into large cube.
  2. Quick blanch chicken and drain then put chicken and water into a pressure cooker on high for 20 minutes, another option cooking on stove bring it to a boil then simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Season with salt then simmer for another 5 minutes and serve to fresh cilantro.
  4. Remake Today, Clear Winter Melon Soup.

But my mind changes a lot after cooking the winter melon chunks with meat, including meatballs, hams and ribs etc. The fat can stimulate the freshness of the winter melon and on the contrast; winter melon makes the meat brighter and less greasy. For most of the soup recipes, I use high pressure cooker or maybe instant pot is a more familiar. See great recipes for Winter Melon Dish, Winter Melon Chicken Soup too! This is our first time cooking with winter melon on the blog!