Recipe: Delicious Crispy Pork Sisig

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Crispy Pork Sisig. An appetizing version of sisig is the sizzling crispy sisig. The pork belly is crispy fried until golden brown and chopped into small pieces. Then you will make a roux (see recipe below for details) and add in the vegetables and the crispy pork.

Crispy Pork Sisig The remaining onion will be added later. Quickly add the chopped pork and add Knorr SavorRich. This makes this sisig version flavorful. You can have Crispy Pork Sisig using 12 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Crispy Pork Sisig

  1. You need 500 grams of Pork Cheeks/Mask/Ears.
  2. It's 100 grams of Pork Liver.
  3. Prepare 100 of grans Chicken Liver.
  4. It's 4 of Bayleaf.
  5. You need 1 tbsp of Whole Pepper.
  6. Prepare 3 tbsp of Salt.
  7. Prepare 10-12 of Calamansi.
  8. It's of Chilies/Jalapeños (Optional).
  9. Prepare 3 pcs of Onions (Diced).
  10. You need of Soysauce (to taste).
  11. Prepare of Oil for frying.
  12. It's 3 tbsp of margarine.

For this reason I add both Thai and long green chili. Crispy Sisig made with lechon kawali is delicious as an appetizer or main dish! Crispy, spicy, and full of flavor, it's sure to be a crowd favorite! Making Lechon kawali is a very elaborate process so when I do make it at home, I make it worth the time by using the biggest piece of pork belly I can find to allow for plenty of leftovers.

Crispy Pork Sisig step by step

  1. Submerged desired Pork cuttings (Pork Cheeks/Mask/Ears) with water, bayleaf, peppercorns, salt on a pressure cooker for 10-15 minutes..
  2. Drain, rest the pork and let it cool. Put in the freezer overnight for a crispier pork. Or you can fry it right after it cooled down..
  3. Boil Pork liver and Chicken liver until tender. Once cool, dice both liver and set aside..
  4. Dice the onions, cut the chilies, squeeze out the calamansi juice, and set aside..
  5. Fry the pork cuttings until crispy. Once fried, cut it into small pieces (preferrably diced).
  6. In a wok or carajay, sauté the onions and chillies together with butter. Add the diced livers followed by the fried pork. Add Calamansi juice and soysauce as desired..
  7. Serve with egg and enjoy it with a cold beer!.

Squid Sisig, Tuna Sisig, Bangus sisig, and Tahong Sisig are some examples. Pork Sisig has its variations too. Pork belly is a widely used ingredient in conventional sisig versions. There are also versions that use pork shoulder. Some will mix and match different pig parts.