Recipe: Perfect Chicken Biryani

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chicken Biryani. Now Choose From Multiple Easy Chicken Recipes To Create That Perfect Meal. Check Out Top Brands On eBay. Chicken Biryani is one of the more complicated rice dishes in Indian/pakistani cooking.

Chicken Biryani Chicken biryani recipe made in pressure cooker or pot. Biryani is one of the most amazing royal delicacies introduced to Indians by the Mughals. Since then it has been much popular and is considered to be a luxurious treat to enjoy on special occasions. You can cook Chicken Biryani using 5 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chicken Biryani

  1. You need 2 cups of Basmati- Rice 3/4kg Chicken pieces Onion 3 large, slice.
  2. You need 1 cup of Yoghurt 1 tsp Ginger paste 1/2 tsp Garlic paste.
  3. It's 1 tsp of Green chilli paste 1/2 cup Tomato puree.
  4. You need 2 tsp of Garam masala powder 1/2 cup Milk A pinch Saffron.
  5. You need 1 tsp of Coriander powder Green coriander leaves 2 tbsp, chopped.

Making a chicken biryani in authentic dum style does take some time and needs little expertise. Add the chicken and turn to coat. Increase heat to medium-high and sprinkle sugar over remaining ghee in pot. Biryani is a celebration of all that is great about Indian food - the heady aromas, the vibrant colours, the fluffy rice and those addictive curry flavours.

Chicken Biryani step by step

  1. Make a mixture with tomato yoghurt, puree, green chilli paste, ginger garlic paste, red chilli powder, roasted cumin powder, turmeric powder, garam masala powder, coriander powder and salt..
  2. 2. Take the chicken and marinade it in the same mixture. Let it rest for 3-4 hours..
  3. 3. Put oil in a pan, heat it and fry onions till they turn golden brown..
  4. 4. Now, to this add the marinated chicken and cook the entire mixture for 10 mints..
  5. 5. After that in a pressure cooker, take the rice and add 3 1/2 cups of water to it. Also, take the saffron, mix with the milk and add to the rice..
  6. 6. Lastly, add the cardamom powder and the chicken pieces, along with the marinade..
  7. 7. Mix all the ingredients gently, cover with the cooker lid and pressure cook for 1 whistle..
  8. 8. Your tasty chicken biryani is ready now.
  9. Serve with salad raita kabab.

Make this Chicken Biryani with your protein of choice - or try a vegetable biryani! One of the most requested recipes is finally here! The chicken biryani masala used in this making this mouth-watering biryani recipe is juicy and tender, and has a flavour that you will relish for sure. For preparing this amazing and mouth-watering biryani recipe, chicken is marinated in yoghurt and a melange of spices and then cooked using slow-cooking method. Biryani is a classic Indian dish that is often served at weddings and celebrations.